JAKARTA, Sepatu bisa membuat VJ Marissa menangis. Tapi, bukan karena sepatu itu menyiksa kakinya. Jadi?
Perempuan Tapanuli-Jerman bermarga Nasution ini mengaku penggila sepatu. Ia memiliki banyak sekali alas kaki tersebut. "Koleksi sepatuku banyak banget," akunya di Jakarta, Jumat (22/5) malam.
Tapi, ia tak mau menyebut jumlah koleksinya itu. "Aku enggak mau hitung, akan bikin aku nangis, karena terlalu banyak duit yang aku keluarin untuk beli sepatu," ungkapnya.
Untuk menyimpan harta bendanya tersebut, ia menyediakan satu kamar khusus di tempat tinggalnya. "Aku siapin tempat, ada satu kamar di apartemenku khusus buat sepatu," sambungnya.
Dalam memilih sepatu dan pernik-pernik fashion lainnya, Marrisa mengaku tidak brand-minded. "Aku enggak suka pakai barang brand-minded," ujarnya. "Aku lebih suka pakai barang vintage," tambah wanita yang suka berburu pernik-pernik fashion di Barcelona (Spanyol) ini.
Aku Marissa pula, ia tidak meniru gaya siapapun dalam berpenampilan. "Aku enggak mengadopsi gaya siapa-siapa, sesuka aku saja. Biasanya, inspirasiku dari majalah dan film," tutur Marissa, yang ketika belum bermata pencarian sendiri suka meminjam busana dan aksesori ibunya. (C9-09/ATI)

JAKARTA, Suhardi, Ketua umum Gerindra mengatakan pasangan Megawati Prabowo mengalami hambatan pada pemilu Presiden dan wakil Presiden mendatang."Kita sadar perjuangan maju ini mengalami hambatan besar," katanya saat pidato pembukaan Rakernas di Hotel Grand Kemang, Jakarta, Sabtu ( 23/5 ).
Menurutnya, Mega-Pro harus berhadapan dengan issu 19 juta BLT."BLT diperoleh dari hutang negara yang harus dibayar rakyat dan menambah beban hutang terbesar sepanjang sejarah. Itu harus dihentikan yang diberikan rakyat adalah pekerjaan bukan BLT," tegasnya.
Hambatan lain, kata Suhardi, money politic dengan kampanye senyap permainan IT yang canggih merubah DPT."Anggota Gerindra disingkirkan dengan nama-nama fiktif yang muncul bahkan dengan tanggal lahir berbeda," katanya.
Namun menurutnya, perjuangan harus dilanjutkan dengan kekuatan besar PDI Perjuangan yang telah memberikan penugasan kepada Prabowo untuk mengelola perekonomian nantinya,"Ini wewenang yang luar biasa," katanya.
JAKARTA, The Jakarta Health Office has distributed 73,000 tamiflu capsules to health services and community centers in anticipation of the spreading of swine flu or the influenza A strain of the H1N1 virus, a health official said.
"We have distributed the capsules to health services and community centers," Dr Ida Bagus Nyoman Banjar of the Jakarta Health Office said here on Friday.
Banjar said that up to May 15, Jakarta was still free from the H1N1 virus but his office was tightly supervising potential carriers of the virus.
"We have prepared three reference hospitals, namely RS Persahabatan, RSPAD Gatot Subroto and RSPI Sulianti Saroso," Banjar said. In the meantime, PT Bio Farma said recently it was ready to develop swine flu (H1N1) vaccines if the government asked it to do so.
"Bio Farma has already obtained samples of the Mexican strain of the virus from the World Health Organization for the production on a small scale of the vaccines," Bio Farma president director Isa Mansyur said on Monday. He said the production of swine flu vaccines would be carried out in the same way as bird flu (H5N1) vaccines which had been developed previously.
Mansyur said at present Bio Farma was developing bird flu vaccines, particularly for seasonal bird flu. He said for the development of bird flu vaccines his company had obtained virus samples from the WHO through the National Institute for Biological Standardization of Britain.
Mansyur said at the beginning, the development of the bird flu vaccines was carried out with high quality chicken eggs to produce measles vaccines. He said the technological facilities needed to produce flu vaccines for humans were the same as those for bird flu where the type of its virus development could be changed.
The World Health Organization (WHO) had up to May 14, 2009 registered 6,497 swine flu cases in 33 countries with 65 dead victims, or about one percent.

JAKARTA, Bank Indonesia Deputy Governor Hartadi A Sarwono said he believed with inflationary pressures now decreasing, the year-on-year inflation rate in June could reach around five percent. "The inflation rate, according to our prediction, will be corrected more deeply in June because there was a fuel price hike in May last year that caused a monetary shock. We estimate the inflation rate in June will be around five percent," he said.
Regarding economic growth, he said BI was still estimating it will reach three to four percent. He said there had been signs of recovery in the past few months.
"In the past few months there have been early signs of economic recovery. In the first quarter world exports were still negative but there has been a turnaround," he said. In the first quarter of 2009 Indonesia’s economic growth is estimated to reach around 4.6 percent because of continuing strong domestic demand. He said countries that recorded positive growth also saw strong domestic demand.
"China, India and Indonesia still grew and commonly enjoyed strong domestic demand. The future strategy will still be focussed on domestic demand to push economic growth," he said.
He said his office recorded on May 11, 2009 total direct foreign investment reached US$3.511 billion increasing from US$2.87 billion recorded in April 2009. "Investment in the oil and gas sector meanwhile rose from US$879 million in April 1 to US$1.78 billion in May 11," he said.
JAKARTA, Bank Indonesia predicts the country’s economy could grow five percent in the second quarter if Indonesia could positively respond improving global condition. The central bank’s deputy governor, Hartadi A Sarwono, said here on Friday Indonesia’s economy grew 4.6 percent in the first quarter which was higher than BI’s forecast of around three to four percent in spite of the fact that conditions did not yet fully recover.
"To me, not to grow negatively in the current situation is a blessing because other developed countries recorded negative growth," he said. He said in Asia Indonesia was the third country after China and India that could still record positive growth while the economy of other countries grew negatively.
"Indonesia’s positive growth was driven by factors such as large domestic market, private investment, increasing exports," he said. "The country’s domestic market is large because the country’s population is the third largest in the world."
He said investment could still grow namely in the fields of gas and oil which was projected at around US$2.9 billion and non-oil and gas predicted at around US$800 million. He said oil and gas projects be the government or semi-government projects still continued running.
He said if global condition remained optimistic with China and India continuing to improve it could affect positively on investment in the country. He said several non-oil and gas sectors such as telecommunications were still good and could still expand. Citing an example he referred to Q-Tel, that had bought Mobile 8 at a large investment value.
He said China planned to invest in Indonesia through the 10,000 megawatt electricity development program. "If China has made the deal and the project runs it means investment enters into Indonesia," he said.
Indonesia’s exports, he said, have also started to improve in April 2009 compared to January and February which dropped.
JAKARTA, The business condition of processing industries in Indonesia is sharply down as shown by a decline in its business tendency index in the first quarter of 2009. "The processing industrial sector is down sharply with its index at 89.86," the head of the National Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Rusman Heriawan, said here on Friday.
Rusman said on average the business tendency index (ITB) in the first quarter of 2009 reached 96.91 or dropped compared to 102.19 the average ITB in the fourth quarter of 2008. The index of most economic sectors is sharply down except electricity, gas and water sectors that reached 102.96, financial, care and corporate service sectors raeching 107.88 and service sector (102.96).
"The financial sector, leasing and corporate service sectors recorded the highest business increase with their index standing at 107.88," he said. He said the drop in the business condition occured because of a decline in corporate earnings, production capacity and working hours.
ITB is an indicator of latest economic development made based on data collected from results of survey on business tendency done by the BPS in cooperation with the central bank. The survey is carried out once in three months in several selected big cities.
The samples for the survey for the first quarter of 2009 totalled 2,300 consisting of big and medium businesses and corporate leaders. According to the BPS survey the ITB for the second quarter reached 98.35. This means that the declining tendency still continued although more slowly than in the first quarter.
"Most economic sectors in the second quarter are predicted to drop except mining, excavating, electricity, gas, clean water and service sectors," he said.
The results of BPS survey on consumer tendency index meanwhile showed consumers’ economic condition in the first quarter rose higher than before.
"The consumer tendency index (ITK) in the period reached 102.15 compared to 100.93 recorded in the fourth quarter of 2008," he said. "The economic condition of consumers is improving because of an increasing income of households and consumption of several non-food commodities such as housing cost (electricity, telephone and water), education, transportation and health service," he said.
He said BPS predicted the ITK for the second quarter would reach 103.28 or rose from the first period. "An improvement in the economic condition of consumers is expected to happen in the second quarter due to an increasing income although purchase of durable goods is predicted to drop," he said.
BENGKULU, A storm which hit Bengkulu Friday afternoon prompted a delay a Jakarta-Bengkulu Batavia Air flight. The Batavia Air plane which took off from Jakarta’s Sukarno Hatta airport, scheduled to land in Bengkulu at 1 p.m local time, had to be switched to Palembang, South Sumatra, as the wind in Bengkulu was blowing at a velocity of 32 knots per hour while visibility was less than one kilometer.
There were three other Jakarta-Bengkulu flights which had to be delayed, namely Sriwijaya Air, Batavia Air and Lion Air flights. Landing would be possible only of visibility is at least two kilometers with the clouds 1,500 feet in the sky.
In view the bad weather, the ship Raja Enggano sailing to Bengkulu also has to postpone its trip. Raja Enggano was still held at Enggano island, as waves in Bengkulu waters reached 3 to 4 meters high.
The storm in Bengkulu City also uprooted many trees, which fell on power lines, and caused power failure in many important sections of the city including Tanah Patah, Jalan Kapuas, Lingkar Barat and Pelabuhan (seaport) Pulau Baai.
Beberapa jenis binatang ternyata bisa berdansa mengikuti irama musik seperti yang dilakukan manusia. Contohnya burung kakaktuadan gajah. Hal itu menurut penelitian yang dilakukan oleh tim peneliti dari Neurosciences Institute di San Diego, Amerika Serikat.
Dalam salah satu video yang ditemukan oleh peneliti di laman YouTube, ada seekor burung kakaktua yang bisa mengikuti irama lagu Backstreetboys. Burung tersebut bisa merasakan irama musik yang mereka dengar seperti juga manusia.
Tidak hanya burung kakaktua, gajah yang sudah dilatih pun bisa berdansa mengikuti irama musik yang diperdengarkan. Kemampuan itutidak dimiliki semua binatang. Simpanse yang banyak memiliki kesamaan dengan manusia pun, belum tentu memiliki kemampuan mengikuti irama musik.
Menurut tim peneliti, gajah dan kakatua memang memiliki kemampuan untuk meniru suara yang mereka dengar. Hal itu karena terdapatsirkuit dalam otak yang bisa membuat, kedua hewan itu bisa merasakan musik dan bergerak mengikuti iramanya.
Dari sekitar 1.000 video, yang dilihat oleh tim peneliti ada 33 video yang membuktikan kalau binatang bisa mengikuti irama musik. Binatang-bintang tersebut terdiri dari 14 spesies burung kakatua dan satu spesies gajah.
Lalu, menurut tim peneliti, kemungkinan besar lumba-lumba juga memiliki kemampuan yang sama seperti kakatua dan gajah yaitu mengikuti irama musik.
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